Los Angeles psychedelic blues rockers DONKEY ISLAND PENITENTIARY survived the pandemic the only way they know how; by crafting songs in secret. THE EXPERIMENTS, the brand new single, and PRISONERS OF EARTH from the upcoming EP, THE EXPERIMENTS, are out now and picking up steam!
This band of brothers came to life in 2014 after Big Dave nearly died. Drawing from punk, blues and Big Dave’s dreams from a month long coma, Donkey Island Penitentiary follows up their self titled debut LP of harmonica driven rock & roll with their hardest hitting material yet! Their music has been heard on KLOS FM, Los Angeles, Rodney Bingenheimer’s SiriusXM Show and around the world.
Donkey Island Penitentiary is the sound of garage, punk and science fiction, filtered through the blues, while Big Dave growls about his nightmares. Recordings of their unique brand of harmonica driven hallucinations, including 2020 singles WHO’S THE MONSTER? and PRISON BREAK, are available for purchase on BANDCAMP*, streaming on Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon, IHeartRadio, and many other places music is stolen or heard.
*Buy something every Friday and support the Donkey Revolution!
Vocals, Harmonica / Big Dave Perea
Vocals, Guitar / Alejandro Speranza
Drums / Vincent Perea